Sjoe, so that's that done for year 1. The party was a huge success on Saturday, and Lilia loved every minute of it, the little social butterfly that she is, and was so spoilt. I can't actually believe how generous people are. I, however, totally underestimated the amount of work involved and thought I could do everything myself (hmmm). Luckily, we had emergency last-minute grandparent help and my sister-in-law iced the cake when it still wasn't done and the guests were starting to arrive, and everything worked out well.
Outside caterers are definitely the way forward in our household from now on.
So all in all it was an enjoyable weekend, if a frantic one. We went to watch my husband playing cricket on Sunday afternoon, which was lovely, until I got stung by a bee, which did put a bit of a dampener on the whole thing for me.
Tomorrow I am making a bit switch in lanes and starting a 3-day a week job. I really don't know what I've signed myself up for and am feeling very anxious indeed, but just keep trying to remind myself that it's only for 3 months anyway.
Deep breath...
Oh, I nearly forgot, the pic above is a little detail from Lilia's outfit on Saturday. What a cutie pie.
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